If a veterinary clinic is not carefully looked after, it can quickly become a loud madhouse of barking and shrieking. Leaders in veterinary clinics should learn the practical ways to reduce stress in animal patients. Having more compliant, easy-going animal patients will not only make you a more effective veterinarian, but it will also improve the general atmosphere of your clinic, thereby upgrading your reputation.
Organize Spaces So Animals Do Not See Each Other
Anyone with experience with dogs knows how the sight of another animal can get them excited. When you separate animals so that they do not see each other, you are making it less likely that one pet will create noise and therefore set off a chain reaction of more barking and screeching. We all know what happens when one dog starts to bark in a crowd of other dogs.
Provide Comfortable Beds
If possible, ask the owner of the pet to provide a bed that fits their needs. It should be spacious and comfortable. If the pet has a blanket or a clothing item with which they like to cuddle, ask the owner to bring that in as well. The goal of this practice is to give the pet familiar odors that help them settle into their new location. Especially if you will apply a portable veterinary ultrasound on the animal, you should make them as comfortable as possible.
Frequently Walk Dogs
It should come as no surprise that dogs are happier, healthier, and generally calmer if you give them frequent walks. Dogs with mobility problems cannot walk as often, but you should still find a way to give them some attention and activity.
Give Cats Vertical Structures
Just like how dogs benefit from frequent walks, one of the practical ways to reduce stress in animal patients, particularly with cats, is to provide them vertical structures upon which they can climb. Timid cats can use platforms and cardboard boxes for security, and the more adventurous ones can use them for entertainment.